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1Most people of a certain age can recall health campaigns urging us all to drink our "daily pinta".
2Throughout the ride the entire contingent from the Pinta was very quiet.
3Then from the Pinta there came again a joyful shout of Land!
4And the tall Pinta, till the noon, had held her close in chase.
5The rudder of the Pinta was disabled, and she proved leaky.
6Geneticists figured out there are still Pinta-like tortoises on another island.
7Pinta generally took the lead, I came next, and Wasara third.
8These include the Pinta Giant Tortoise in the Galapagos in 2012.
9Two days later the voyagers from the Pinta began moving their possessions into Rama.
10The boatswain of the Pinta, adds Martin Alonso, has found whole trees of it.
11The Pinta, the best sailer of the three, was ahead.
12Great flocks of birds Alonzo Pinzon saw from the Pinta.
13I was in the Pinta's shrouds with Columbus when America burst upon his vision.
14The two figures did not move as the fourteen explorers from the Pinta approached.
15That suggests there may be Pinta island tortoises on Isabela.
16The two little caravels, Niña and Pinta, were decked only at stern and prow.